Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Sunday Morning Walk In Maidenhead (Trees - Parts Two Three & Four)

I am on the train now
 Looking and Listening
Thinking about where I am going 
Not where I've been
Castle growing in between
Houses peering to be seen.

Moats with boats are enclosed 
By families of encircling trees.
Mansions graced and shaded
With grand old ladies and gentlemen.
Giant firs guard areas of parks and greens
Rivers, brooks and streams.

I am in Maidenhead, taking my Sunday morning walk, admiring the trees; Babies protected by fierce stinging nettles.
Elegant, Swan-like trees dressed in satin, silks and beaus adorning pathways. Grandpas and Grandmas still striving for excellence 
even though they have seen two or three Millennia shading brooks and streams.

Trees with outstretched arms, sturdy roots and twenty odd branches; slim trees whose trunks go up, up, up before the branches start to sprout. Trees with one trunk going up, up then, behold it's twins!
Siamese, joined at the hips.

Trees with leaves so thick and others thin and weightless; straight trees, a few bent and decrepit with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Walking along the pathway, behind Maidenhead library, I am struck by the sight of a giant tree in size, breadth, height and depth.
I see what appears to be triplets or a mum and her twins.
They exude a mass of colours; burgundy, red, pale green, orange and dark brown.

I move along the path to the sumptuous melange of colour reflecting, SAWS, the four seasons...

Summer Autumn Winter Spring.

I bow and curtsy to Mother Nature, raise my head to the heavens
to pay homage and show adoration for this elegant masterpiece
which fills me with a tremendous sense of...

Peace-anquillity... Peace anchored in Tranquillity....

So much so I remain rooted, gazing and examining the magic and fruit of the spirit.

It dawned on me that I could stare at this tree all day long.
Its leaves remind me of a variety of hairstyles. Afro, Permed, Highlights, Semi-Highlights, all the arrays.

Time waits for no-one, therefore, I move on taking in the crisp morning air, gliding along, in the Silence of this Sweet Sunday Morning.

Sunday Morning Walk In Maidenhead

 (Trees Part Three)


Before me, I see a bent half fallen tree trying to match his wit with gravity's. It makes me smile to see a middle size one embracing him, keeping him steady on his feet.

His pale bark reflects his inner being; dangling, listless branches and leaves drooping with just about enough energy to withstand the gentle breeze.

I tread on and come face to face with a ballerina full of life, beauty and grace, then Mummy with babies to her breast;
hugging her so tightly they're crushing her chest.

Adjacent, a toddler reaches out for a cuddle from mum.
Strong and sturdy teenagers provide emotional support to young, luscious Ivy sheltering tiny, prickly shrubs and small, smooth shoots who huddle together whispering secrets.

Just when I think I've seen the best, another pops up and surprises me. Roots spring up from the earth into trunk, and trunk extends to at least seventeen boughs spreading their wings of dense overladen leaves.

Next, I see a set of twins whose thick, pale, green trunk burst forth and then up, up, up it gives birth to Triplets! Strong yet wobbly branches reflecting their fight for life, for survival.

Nearby, a great, great, great, great grandmother sits with twisted trunk. Several Millenniums have passed as she battles with the parasites who climb, twist and turn, around her body choking the life from within. Steadfastly, the old lady continues the fight knowing that she will lose the battle. Her choice, is to commit and take courage to the bitter end.

The path comes to an end so I turn right, and right again, to face trees with boughs bending over brooks and streams; little ones moving to and fro in the mild currents of air.
Excited shrubs with neatly trimmed Afros or Short Backs and Sides.

Weeping Willows drooping like they don't really care who's there. 
Trees of green cuddling red, wounded neighbours and the ones with darker complexions, dark brown and deep crimson,
surround those who are half pale green-half green.

Sunday Morning Walk In Maidenhead 

(Trees Part Four)

Morning Glow

Strolling forwards, I come across an orphan, seeded and planted by man, standing with outstretched arms, searching for his mother and beneath him a row of wild bushes in need of a, "Hello!"

There's a grand queen standing in front of me; her trunk, so well structured and proportioned, imitating the legs of a super model. Her branches and leaves strut and shade the path for passers-by, and strangers to walk untouched by the scorching Sun.

The Town Hall is in close proximity.

Mini trees used for fences, halt my steps. They support family who have shed their leaves for good; their branches no longer sustain the flow of water through their capillaries.
All sorts ferns greet me as they chat to regular Xmas trees sitting, effortlessly, on well laid lawns.

Outside the town hall a deodar cedar, planted in memoriam, wears a plaque,

 "to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the
End of WW2 and as a symbol of Peace and Reconciliation."

Grand, confident Acacia trees spread their majestic, opulent wings and temporary human eyes to see and admire the beauty of their Dusty, Spice Rose, Pink Peace flowers.

More mini trees sit under the Acacia displaying what looks like baby limes. Wee plants resemble mothers who are encased by shrubs and cheerful flowers, not unlike well cared for children.

The Town Memorial sits near the Acacia and is decorated with oak leaves and Tudor roses.

The inscriptions reads...

"To the Glory of God and the men and
women of Maidenhead who gave their lives in the two
World Wars 1914-1918 and 1939-1945
We will remember them!"

Pause, Reflect, say, Thank You, to the Whole-Nowness-of-life!

They mirror human life and play a very important role in sustaining
The BALANCE in the CIRCLE OF LIFE and uphold the BEAUTY of the EARTH. 

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Monday, 21 January 2013


Every day I kneel and pray
Image taken from
For everything that comes my way
But I'm never going to win the lottery
All the numbers
Are spinning inside me
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Journey To Maidenhead (Trees Part One)


As I journey along the M4 motorway to Maidenhead,
I see trees of all shapes, sizes and colours.                                  
They are just like people;
Big ones, small ones, little and large ones ;
Good, bad, indifferent and medium ones.

Unlike human beings, they are always loving and giving,
Never expecting to be receiving, however, reflecting the have and have-not.
Some form forests, others jungle-like clumps lining pathways occupied by walkers, joggers and runners who fail to acknowledge the lonely.
I take time to enjoy the view.

The beauty of the landscape takes my breath away!
Coasting along, I am encircled by Trading Estates, Mighty Towers Ginormous Structures and street lamps resembling... Extra-Terrestrial Souls!
Motorway signs evoke a sense of curiosity... Fairy Tales and Fantasy.
Left for Windsor Castle, right for Reading, BBQ's and Farms.
My imagination runs wild as I conjure up the images of,
The Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk.

The sound of a car horn warning of danger brings me back to reality.
To all that I really want to see - The Trees!
Those caged like animals or demonstrating crowds being kettled.
The short and sometimes the sole, are hemmed in like tiny dots on
the verge decorated by SOS phones who appear to be carrying, "Men At Work!" signs.

The feeble and the insane reach out for support, "meandering in a mazy motion"(1), as the climbers creep past, viewing them with disdain.
To my right, I catch sight of the High and Mighty, supporting nests carved and weaved with intricacy by the resident birds.
Parades of Soldiers and Royal Guards stand to attention, well groomed and polished, saluting as I journey onward to Maidenhead.

Eyes straight, my peripheral vision circumscribe the green, open space and I encounter the formal, the rebels, the fashion conscious and the trendy. Some tiny shrubs of gold, dressed in dark green soldier uniforms, others wearing varying greens, with a hint of red, gold or pink and toppings of purple, mahogany and blue highlights, in accord with that applied to human hair.

I see choirs, club and party-goers, dancers socialising and having fun.

The SATNAV says
"Take the next exit!"

Looking left and right, I see trees waving and greeting others whilst
swaying to the beat of the wind; trying hard to resist unrequited love from Ivy et AL.

(1) Coleridge: Kubla Khan

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Miss Double -You

Miss Double -You
You are an amazing teacher
Image taken from
Thank you so much for                                                               


Thinking about us
Helping us to learn
Encouraging us to say...
Yes we can!

Loving us unconditionally
Instilling the Learning Family values in us
To your needs
To ours 
Teaching us to believe in ourselves and our abilities

Miss Double - You
You are an amazing teacher!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

In Unity Love And Peace


There was I and
Image taken from

Mountains towering
Rivers speeding
Seas lashing
Oceans leaping


I became we
The peoples of the earth
Joined in Unity Love and Peace

The result

Oceans sleeping
Seas calming
Rivers flowing
Mountains bleating

Now all's well with our world!

Peoples of the world. . . UNITE!


(Inspired by The Book Of Psalms:114)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Friday, 18 January 2013

Electric Light Bulb

The electric light bulb hanging from the ceiling
Is reflected in the glass table
I see the eternal circle of the base
Image taken from
Inside sits the channel through which
The electric current flows in order to
Light up our lives whilst the Sun caters
For others in far away lands

Just like the Sun the bulb gives off heat and light
But on a minute scale
Another outward sign of man's attempts
To recreate all that he is born into
All that he sees around him
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Taking Tea

Balancing The Brew

Please come in!
It's cold out there!
I can tell you that for free
I was just about to put the kettle on
If you have no other plan
A cup of tea would be grand
Hot h2o in kettle and in hand

I brew the tea and leave it to stand
For one minute or two
It will stew
Next I'll get the mugs sugar and milk
To colour flavour and sweeten
The silky nectar or perhaps
You take yours black

Mugs in hand we sit and sip
The refreshing combination
That's the great British tradition
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Two Robins

I was looking through my kitchen window
Image taken from
When I saw two little Robin Redbreast
Of course without any vests
They were chirping
On Nature's creations in the rain
Shaded only by the leaves of the Laurel tree
Looking so cute 
As they competed and took
The test
To see which one of them was the best 
At not stopping for a rest

Two little Robin Redbreast who were always 
Putting each other to the test
And never wearing vests
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Blue Sky Over Maidenhead

Image taken from

As I look up I see a fly buzzing around
Beneath the clear blue sky over maidenhead
  A union Jack
In the strong gust adding grace and officiality
To the majestic Town Hall
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

A glance to my right brings to my attention
The remains of a beautiful rainbow
Semi circles with fading shades of red orange
Yellow green blue indigo and violet
Stained on the library window
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

I pause for thought then gaze out
From the square window of Maidenhead Library
Across the way I see the grand town hall building 
Standing tall and strong
Besides it the memorial with its tall cross cast in stone 
Emblazoned with decorations and the names
Of heroes long past who salutes the people as the pass
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

I see the grounds with neatly cut grass
A labyrinth of shrubs arranged in size shape and colour
Cast iron and wooden benches for passers-by to take
The weight off their feet as they tread the stone paths
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

Suddenly a gush
 Then a rush 
The breeze sweeps over my face
Lifts papers out of place
The royal trees of green
Sway and stray in the gusty wind
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

Between the beauty of all this love and Nature's care
Planes roar high in the air
Are on the road
Whilst others stroll and chat
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

Peace and equilibrium strikes
At the sight and magic of a bride and groom
Celebrating their wedding in May not June
Under the gazing smiles of those who play  
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Nimbus Stratus Over Maidenhead

I was basking in the heat and
Light of the sun in Maidenhead
When on the spur of the moment
The light went out...                                                                                                
Image taken from
An enormous Nimbus Stratus settled
Under the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

What a surprise after a day of sunny life
Admiring trees walking around the town
Lunch in the park
Beneath the clear blue sky over Maidenhead

Trains whizzing-by in the distance
Scurrying buses vans and cars scramble fast
Birds cackling pigeons cooing ducks flying
I am sitting in the picnic park
Beneath the Nimbus Stratus
Hiding the blue sky over Maidenhead

Dusk approaches slowly but surely
A bevy of visitors and shoppers leave for home
As the sun says its goodbye
So must I
After thanking the Creator
For another beautiful day
Despite the huge Nimbus Stratus which turned
The blue sky over Maidenhead to grey

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy

I see you physically in me                                                                                                                   
Thank you for protecting me
Image taken from
Yesterday today and
In your own way                                                                 
Thank you for the vase
The drawing
And the Pinks
For the rings
All the pretty things

To my daddy I say
Thank you for the care
All the days we used to share
For being there
Shielding me dad with
Your Love and flair

To my daddy I say
Whenever I steer my ship into dangerous waters
You move the mountains apart so that I only need
To deal with the molehills
After that I move on thinking and knowing that
The next time I need you to open your gates of Love
You will be watching and waiting

To my daddy I say
The message is now clear!
Forgiveness Generosity LOVE
Life Force

Life Source                                                                                              

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Flutter In the Trees

I hear birds
Flying in the trees
Image taken from
In rotation
I look up
It's my favourite bird
The Magpie
Fighting with a crow
                                  They give their battle cries                             Make the charge
Flutter flutter flutter
In the trees
To and fro
Backwards and forwards they go

The crow emerges
Bolts off wearing grudges
The magpie presents himself
Standing triumphantly
Feeling grander than an Elf
As I watch in silent admiration

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Little Budding Plants

It has been three years since you
Welcomed me into the Learning Family
There have been comings and goings
Image taken from
With the ebb and flow of the tide                                                                                    
Which surrounds our abode
Ups and downs
Rights and wrongs
All normal parts and parcels
Happenings and occurrences of life

The children like the staff come and go
Most start off in Nursery
Just like little budding plants
They are potted into Reception then
Before you know it planted in
Key Stage One - Year 1
We tender them with loving care that
Learning Family steer
Feeding and nourishing them with

The Alphabet
"I Can See Sentences"
Full Stops.
"WOW" Words (adjectives)
Phonics with sound buttons and double
Helpings of Phonemes Graphemes
Digraphs and Split Digraphs
Trigraphs Fred Talking Blending and
Segmenting in Early Literacy Support (ELS)

Reading Fairy and Fantasy Tales
Poems that rhyme and singing and
Dancing to the beat of the Steels
Learning the 3 R's
Chanting Values before going
On so many school trips
Growing in knowledge about Life
And before we know it they're in Year 5
Hop skip jump and run in Open Play
Pass the ball! On the Games Pitch they say

On the Xylophone a musical note is played
To accompany those who swing and sway
On the Trim Trail every day
Young ladies and gentlemen they're now
Sitting in Year 6
They have travelled so far and yet - right here!
Our job is done
To Year 7 they run
To continue to grow and learn
Still remembering the most important
Thing we've taught them......


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Dear Joyce

Dear Joyce
Image taken from
Arenaflowers .com
I just heard about your passing                                                             
I am deeply saddened that our 
Paths will never be crossing
In any way shape or form
On this land of England

For years you took away my doubts and fears
About's life's highs and lows
You showed me that there are precious
Times to be had without tears

You brought your gift of willingness to the fore
And you were always preparing for the show
Making sure that everything was just right
And all would be alright on the night

Your hands were like a fairy's wand
Turning everything they touched to stand
And be proud that you gave them
That helpful Joyce brand

Aunty Joyce the children called you
Lovingly you fed and cared for them 
Moments of all manner of learning 
And understanding 

Anton said . . .
You were the centre of his world
So today dear Joyce I'm proud to say
Thank you for the support you gave
Thank you for always being brave
Thank you for your loving care
Thank you for the days we share
For we will always care
And you will always be right here......together with your dear Ben
In all our hearts

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Lilian Sweet Lilian

Lilian Sweet Lilian
Royalty Free Stock Photo: Bouquet of lily of the valley flowers. Image: 14555635
Image courtesy of
You are my Lily of the Valley                                                                                          
You served me so well
Your lovingkindness touch and approach
Was like precious jewels in a brooch
Worn for all to see the beauty you have
Reflected in me

Lilian Sweet Lilian

You gave so much to everyone
You gave your love your warmth
You gave your time even though you were swamped
You did not mind standing in line
To teach those you loved and served
Bringing with you loads of fun
Asking for nothing in return

Lilian Sweet Lilian

Not even a pair of gloves
To warm your kind caring hands sent from above
You were certainly a beautiful dove
We gave you all the love and respect
You so deserved!
You were a special beacon
Shining your light so that none were weakened

Lilian Sweet Lilian

Thank you for your listening ears
The books to read the clothes to wear
The gatherings in your home so warm
Which reflected all your familiar charm
You welcomed us with open arms
Your grace your elegance your smile so fair
You wrapped us in your loving share

Lilian Sweet Lilian

You armed us with tools of learning
And made us think about the salaries
We could be earning
You are so dear to our hearts
You made us smart
And gave us that much needed wonderful start

Lilian Sweet Lilian

Lilian Sweet Lilian you ARE my second
Mother - that's clear!
Lilian Sweet Lilian
Thank you for the times you cared!
Thank you for the lovingcare!
Lilian Sweet Lilian you are my
Lily of the Valley
Thank you for your family!
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Lilian Sweet Sweet Lilian!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Cat - No Mat!

Image taken from:
I saw a cat of ebony
Sitting on a plank of wood
In my garden - No Mat!                                                                                          
Thinking and pondering maybe                                                                                                  
About her next plate of food

Posture tight and snug
But she had no rug
The band of gold around
Her neck glistened against
The black of her fur
Whilst she sat trying to purr

She sat there staring straight
I was able to tell by her gait
Something interesting caught her eye
Perhaps it was that spy
That Tom who was always
Trespassing on her territory
I will never know
There was no showdown
She simply upped and walked stealthily away

I saw a cat of ebony
Sitting on a plank of wood
I palpitate my circles of light and love
 to embrace and engulf you  true!
In my garden - No Mat!

More Than A Helper

Image taken from:

You're more than a helper to me                                                                                                  
My guide my guard my protector
That's three and then.........

You encompass all the things I love
About Life and all that's sent from above
The graces gifts the grains we grow
And everything we reap and sow

Joys laughter and pain we share
Proving that we really care
Inner strength we always muster
When we fight and fright disaster

We're walking side by side in Love and Pain
Sharing many games and gain
Sometimes we walk but sometimes we run
And in the middle of all this we try to have fun
Often I will hear you say
Let's teach the children the games we play!

So we follow your amazing plan
To help the children take a stand
They accept the baton in one hand
And off they run as fast as they can
Experiencing the sowing reaping we know
To continue growing the lifeline for sure

You are more than a helper to me 
You Are My Family!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Friday, 4 January 2013

Let's Do Lunch!


"image courtesy of"

Come to lunch you say
But the hustle bustle 
Of my day
Keeps getting in the way
Finally we meet sit 
                                                  Chat about all manner of things                                                                                  
All this and that
We exchange the latest news
On shoes bags and hats and
Communal problems facing cats

The world and its views as we know it
So many people try hard not to show
That they know there's more to life
Than meets the eye then we explore
The deeper meanings of life and why
There are so many who spy

Those who have the chance to
But fail to follow through with drive
                                              And make the claim to sustain                                                    
  The gain  
 They had been searching for

We exchange ideas and jokes
About our folks and how we choked
At thoughts about our teenage years
Our hopes our dreams our fears
When we found our fun and ran
Around town to the beat of every drum

Moving and turning as fast as we could
Stirring emotions of all that was good
Reminiscing and reflecting on this
Let's Do Lunch!... day
We discover not only our childhood
But all our days of wonder and play
That was...
Oh soooooo good!      

I palpitate my circles of light and love 
to embrace and engulf  you true!


What's Life?

Life is about facing the challenges
That come our way
Life is about the little things
We do every day
Life is about letting go of the fear                                                                                      
That keeps us pinned to our chair

Life is about saying
Anything is possible for anyone
Life is about remembering
Image taken from:
To ask a fellow human being                                                                                               
Can I give you a hand
Life is about treating others
The way you love to be treated

Life is about making the choices
That are right for you without
Being detrimental to others                                                        
Life is about respecting yourself
So that others can respect you
Life is about taking responsibility
For your actions and accepting
The consequences that follow

Life is about giving generously
Without neglecting your needs
And wants
Life is about sharing
Meals pastimes hobbies homes chores
Good and bad experiences ideas
Emotions happy times

Life is about making a commitment
And sticking to it
Not playing games
Life is about creativity and survival
I palpitate my circles of light and love
 to embrace and engulf you true!
That's Life for me!                                                                        

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

My Brother Is Special!


My brother glides through life

Image taken from:
Like a jet plane                                                                                                               

He roars like a drum of thunder

His eyes flash like a bolt of lightning

His hair is dark like onyx

His teeth sparkle in the sunshine


My Brother is Special! : This poem is published with the kind permission of my son
                                   Benjamin Whiteman!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!