Saturday 29 October 2022

Tour of Your Heart

Choosing To BE

Focus on Your toyh (toy)

Your Tour of Your heart

Let go of people places things;

Anyone-thing that does not serve the path 

You choose to walk

The Golden Age gives us All

Beautiful Energetic RE- starts; 

RE-member Yaa!

You Are Art

Authentically Passionately

Remarkably Uniquely 

Transforming in the sea of Tranquillity 

Put it all to good use 

Choose to RE-member!

Choose to RE-produce from






Give Thanks!

(Gift! MEY SA-291022-0925.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and love 
to embrace and engulf you true!

Sunday 23 October 2022

Who Am I

Solar Source 

I Am Willing soul

I Am  Happy soul

I Am  Original spirit 

Spirit Original Am I

Soul Happy Am I

Soul Willing Am I 

That is who... 

Who Am I?

Who Are You?

(Gift! M_101022_1154.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and  love
to embrace and engulf you true!