Wednesday, 31 July 2013

I Choose You

List of Countries by Human Development Index
From Wikipedia
Image courtesy of
 I choose You because you have an altruistic nature
I choose You because you are Loving and Giving
I choose You because you never ask...
Why on earth do you want to do that...
I choose You because you are always willing to say
Yes please!
No thank you!
I choose You because you accept me as I am
You choose me because you see yourself reflected in me
Through mutuality so
 Love Share and Serve without enmity
You and Me
We are Humanity!

Bakery Bread

Images taken from
I am going to buy my bread from the bakery every day
It is made with Pure Love and care in every way
It will keep me healthy so that I can work rest and play 

You-Chef The MasterChef

Image taken from

You were born to be a chef
A baker
A store keeper and
 All the rest
Being the best at everything 

There was no stopping you Chef 
Chopping onions
Putting on pans
Caramelizing and
Stirring to colour
Then on top
 Adding your favourite stock to flavour

Next came the best ingredient of all...
It is the one you use most in every recipe
I don't suppose You-Chef you would mind
If I let your secret come out...
So I will shout...
His secret ingredient when he is cooking or baking is...

It does not matter if You-Chef
Accidentally increases the quantity
It will always have 
A delicious taste to savour
Plus full of extra-special flavour
That will make your eyes glaze over
And fill you with fervour

To Chef
I say
For being a MasterChef
For your extra-special
No longer secret ingredient
And I am not sorry I chose to be blatant...

With LOVE!

(Inspired by: My son Benjamin)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Let The Light Flow In


Let the light flow in
 To clear the way
Remove the cobwebs
 That's blocking
All the unseen beauty
 Blessed with love and purity 

Let the light flow in 
It will clean
 Clear the old
Shine everything new until
It beams!
With centuries of love that will bring in
Chi and her entourage
To maintain the balance
 keep the flow

      When the light is no more

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Magic Carpet Ride

Image taken from
I the soul drift and slide
On a magic carpet ride
Swelling with pride
Until the moment that billows of smoke
Almost caused me to choke
On my boiled egg yolk

No fear
You need not shed a tear
I was also eating an Avocado pear
The sight of incense burning


Image taken from

What do teachers do

After school is done?

Do they study like children

Or do they have some fun?

Do they visit their mummies

When their tummies feel so hungry?

Do they have a special cooking machine or

Do they take away?

(This poem is published with the kind permission of Anthony Whiteman)

Friday, 26 July 2013

Arthur Robert Itis

Image taken from
Although I did not officially invite you Mr Itis
I am grateful that you took it upon yourself
To show me that I needed to take care
And pay attention to my needs
Before I suffered wear and tear
And loss of all my hair

At first I was devastated
When you struck the right cord but 
I quickly wised up to the fact
That you meant well and 
You had my best interest at heart

In fact you saved my life
Had I carried on at the pace I was going
I would not be enjoying and loving life today
The Grimm Reaper would have forced me
Into everlasting service

 It is with heartfelt joy and pleasure that
I say
Mr Arthur Robert Itis
And express sincere 
For your Service and Attitude

(Inspired by: Najjah aka Still Waters)

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Visiting Summer Sun

Sun's Healing Love-Light

We're on a journey to happiness
On an Island
 Surrounded by three seas
The Atlantic
The North and Irish Seas

The reason you see is
The Sun
Has brought Her radiance
Her golden rays of light
To spread infectious beams
Bring broad smiles
 Happy lively days
Incessant laughter
To a place where 
Once upon a time
The Sun
 Was much sort after

Let us Thank
Let us Praise
The visiting Summer Sun
For all the special gifts She brings to LIFE

Equality and Oneness

Wisdom Inspiration Success...


(TU_20062017_2100.01_ Welcome to our visiting Healing Summer Sun
June 2017 & June 2018 & June 2022 & June 2023)

Thank you!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

All That Is A Fact

Image taken from
It is a fact that
You Me We
Are All That
But you still insist on putting out the cat
Who never sits on the kitchen mat
You tell him

You must do as I say
You must go out and play
You are a cat
And this is no Double Act
And that's that

Please remember that
 You are also 
The cat
The mat
And "All That"
Is A Fact

(Inspired by: Deepak Chopra)

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

You Are Blessed!

Image taken from
Awareness and Foresight
These are the gifts
With which you are blessed 
Use them well to serve
 Yourself and others...

Abundantly blessed with a
Wealth of vision and
Active cells to 
Receive light
Energies that
Excellence in
Self-service and
Service to others

Focussing on
Recognition of  
Ethereal being filled with love and light
Humility and

(Inspired by: Rhianne)


Mirroring Movements

Have I told you 
My friend Pearl
Plays Dub
In restaurant-Pubs.

She spins Pure Vinyl
Sending positive vibes
 To All

While she moves her feet 
Grooving to the beat...

Doom doom 
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Doom doom
Da-da-da, da-da-da


The crowd is swaying to the rhythm and the beat
Shuffling and stepping to the musical heat 
Performing a moving muscular feat

The masters are toasting
Using words that rhyme
So much to say
So little time

 Your treat is so sweet 
Keep on swirling the vibes till we bleat
 Like sheep
Soon it will be time for us to exit
Head home to get some sleep

Entering dream state,
In our heads still moving to the beats
Vibrating to the Love-heat
DUBPLATE PEARL is spinning; 
Vintage Vinyl Vibes in the sweltering Summer healing.

(Inspired by: My friend DUBPLATE PEARL)
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Era Clear

Image taken from

Era Clear
In my eyes
You are amazing loving giving
And so genuine
Always smiling and truly 
A beautiful soul
 With such style and flair
You are always willing to share and give care

Era Clear
By using your listening ear
You comfort and console all those in need
You shield the vulnerable the lame
And you ensure that the wounded
Are hidden from being hounded

Era Clear
There are no devastating storms
 You apply calm
 Before they can cause harm
You walk on water
 Take the rough with the smooth

Era Clear
You march on the "front line"
Feeling secure in "no man's land"
 The rock that others hide behind
White flag in hand
You take your stand
Reducing raging torrents 
To waves of mild currents
Bringing Tranquillity
Peace and Clarity
 To our days

You are Era Clear



Sunday, 21 July 2013

Prayers and Pears

When I was five
I felt so alive
Whilst I was playing
I could hear the adults saying

God is everywhere
Giving love and all the necessary care
To little children
And all those who cry a tear

They also mentioned
He loves Avocado pears
So I always made sure 
I left one in my prayers

I am Inme De Child!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Friday, 19 July 2013

The Year One Song

1 2 3 4 5 
6 7 8 9 10

We are all in Year One
We love our learning
We are all in Year One
We love our learning

One Two Three

Four Five

One Two Three

Four Five

Six - Seven  Eight-Nine-Ten

Six - Seven  Eight-Nine-Ten

(Inspired by: The little ones-A&A- I teach!)
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Five Seven And Nine

Image taken from

Five Seven and Nine

5  7  9

Are numbers who are so kind

They take time to explain

All the mystery surrounding

Their untold history

Five Seven and Nine

5   7   9

 Together with

 One and Three all tow the odd line

1   3 

But although they are kind

One Three Five Seven and Nine

1   3   5   7   9

Never share at any time

Unlike their siblings

 Two Four Six Eight Ten 

2   4   6   8   10

Who always share with their family

So remember

One Three Five Seven and Nine

Always hang on the odd washing line

1  3  5  7  9


Two Four Six Eight Ten

Always stand on the even gate

2  4  6  8  10 

Got it!
That's great!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!


What Is It?

Image taken from
It reverberates and ripples
Around the world to Heal
What is it?
It is Love
Love heals the world!
It spirals out
And nourishes humanity

Remember it!
Taste it!
Touch it!
Smell it!
See it!
Hear it!
Use it!

To heal yourself
To heal your children
To heal your family
To heal your friends
To heal your acquaintances
To heal strangers
To heal enmity
To heal my world
To heal your world
To heal Our world
To heal everyone and everything

In other words
Use it to HEAL Humanity!


Apply it generously!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Dr Healer

Light Hidden Deep Within

You care deeper and deeply than most
You are always willing to share
Your prognosis and allow me 
To be part of the team
That will make
The decision
About my care

  Dr Healer 
You are the one who dares
To break protocol
And involve me 
In all things that concern my health
Thereby affecting
My spiritual wealth

Dr Healer
I thank you 
For your strength
And your Love of Humanity
Doctor you are a true Healer
Expelling Healing from the heart
This is your gift
This is Your Art!

palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

(Inspired by:  Dr Maxine Hogarth)