Friday, 29 March 2013

Not Sibling Rivalry

Ninja Kitteh...

Let me tell you about me and my brother
For many years
As long ago as age three
I awed my brother and copied his every move
To learn his ABC...
When he picked up his slate and books and practised his reading
 I always sat close to him pleading
Wanting and truly believing 
That I could do anything he did
And work as hard as I pleaded
One times two is two...
 On the slate with great Tanty Fanny

Her eyesight was so poor that my brother
At age eight
Had to read to her
With a special gait
 He stood on a chair 
with the newspaper in hand
 Opened next to the kerosene lamp 
On top of the cabinet like a plank

Young fingers pointing to help him understand 
Segmenting and blending 
He always had a plan

 I got my chair climbed up next to him
And hung on every word he read
No clue as to what they really said
I just knew that I really cared
And loved whenever my brother read

Today my friend Hindsight told me

It was not sibling rivalry between
My brother and me
It was my brother's spirit
Guiding me to the path
Created for me
I totally agree

(Inspired by: My brother Matthew)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

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