Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Image taken from
I thank you for the abundant
Wisdom and
Joy you bring to Goddesses and the world

You inspire the 3 R's 
Through glorious smiles
 Enchanting music dance stories
Poetry songs laughter prayers even tears
Sharing participating and engaging

You lift up Goddesses from
The world of Matter and catapult
Us into the Celestial Ether where
We acknowledge who we are
Our true selves
Spiritual Beings of Light Love and Peace

Then we return to the world of Matter with the
Knowledge that we know who we are 
Recognize that we have many gifts
 to offer and share with each other
And our fellow souls
So we will continue to guard and protect
Our true identity whilst sharing
With all those who are vibrating
On the same frequency
 And you will be
At the helm guiding us
With Pure LOVE

(Inspired by: Day Of The Goddess 2011)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Friday, 22 February 2013

Fortitude And Positive Attitude

Image taken from
You are a soul who 
Loves life and all that comes with it
Easy times
Hard times
Joyful times
Fearful times
Austere times
Fast times
Grieving times
Happy times
Disappointing times
Satisfying times
Tearful times
Rejoicing times
You are a soul with Fortitude and Positive Attitude
Always showing Gratitude
Stay as beautiful as you are
A symbol of
Beauty Peace Love and Life
You are a soul who exudes
You are a soul who is
The embodiment of
Nurturing Adaptable Tenderness Uniqueness Rectitude Equality
You are Humanity!
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!


I am grateful for another wonderful day of Life!!!
I am grateful for all 
The beautiful thoughts
The vivid vibrant colours
And emotive words that come 
To me in the early hours as the morning dawns

At SUNRISE ................................................................................. Resurrection of Living and Loving Life
Image taken from


I am Living
I AM living  LIFE!
Image taken from
 Living and loving LIFE
 In the company of all my gifts with
 Fortitude and Gratitude for guidance and
 Enthusiasm for comfort

I am Living life hand  In hand with Fortitude Enthusiasm and Gratitude  

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Who is J?

Image taken from
Who is J?

J is Jubilant in all her pursuits
J is Always ready for the unexpected because she is shrewd
J is Never defeatist or rude
J is Initiating and imitating Nature's call bringing balance to big and small
J is Nurturing all those who are not so tall
J is An amazing loving caring soul who recognizes all from days of old

Who is J?

J is LOVE BEAUTY and HARMONY in action!
J is Janina

(Inspired by my friend J!)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Monday, 18 February 2013

The Child In Me

Old fashion Jump Up and Kiss Me
Image taken from
The child in me has a  very special love for
Mother Nature her sons and daughters

Trees and Mountains
Rivers and Valleys
Seas and Oceans 
Water Lilies and Marigolds
Lily of the Valley and Bluebells
Jump Up and Kiss Me
All of WE

This distinction and love belongs 
To the child who lives in me

I palpitate my circles of light and Love
 to embrace and engulf you true!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Bless Me!

Windows To My Worlds 

Let There Be Life!

Circles of Light And Love 


Let there be Light
Let there be Love
Let there be Laughter
Let there be Liberation
Let there be Spirit
Let there be the gift of LIFE!

Thanks and Praise!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Let There Be Peace!


Let there be PEACE in every manner of hearth
That glows on Mother Earth

Place your universal light of love and peace in the hearts minds and temples of every soul
Equate each and every soul so that we may see everything with eyes of love
Accepting each others uniqueness gifts and weaknesses and thereby be filled with
Charity Loving Kindness Trust and Faith in order to evoke the
Enthusiasm that you inspired in us during the time spent in our mothers wombs

Let Peace Equality Acceptance Charity Enthusiasm reign!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!
Thanks and Praise!

(Inspired by: The Book of John)

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Letter To Gaynor

Image taken from
Dearest Gaynor

You were a beautiful soul!
You were that one in a million!
Thank you for nurturing Love and Excellence in your pupils!
Thank you for harmonizing cultures creeds and genders!
I never told you how I felt about you
You knew
And I know that you are hearing me now Gaynor

Grace and beauty inside and out with the singing voice of an angel!
Agility and great physical ability coupled with that wonderful instrument- your voice!
Yesterdays todays and tomorrows when you encouraged and coaxed
Nonstop. . . persistent coaching in athletics ball games and life skills
Organizing fixtures and friendlies to keep us focussed
Respect lovingly earned and fondly returned

Thank you for being "Shore" then "Powell"
For together there was never any chance that
You and John (fondly known as our JP) would ever throw-in the towel

Joyously educating and playing an active role in the growth and development of children
Organizing mental physical and social events so that children could enjoy and achieve
Helping parents to raise and nurture generations of amazing boys and girls!
Nurturing generations of boys and girls to achieve and exceed their potential!

Gaynor you will now live on
Not only in John's heart and that of your children grandchildren siblings and family
But also in the hearts of the multitudes you and John have LOVED!
One and All have LOVED you both in return!
For all the BITS and all the FALLS!!




I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!