Saturday, 30 April 2022

Let The Sun


Let The Soothing Warmth BE Your Comforter

Let The Sun Embrace Your life

Let The Source Love Your life

Let The Uni-Verse Light up Your life

Let The Nurturer Give You Life

You Are Beautiful Energy-Every Om-ment Moment!

Let The Sun Enamour Your Spirit

Feel All The Glory-to-Us-ness with-in-it

Give Thanks!

(Gift! SA_300422_1044.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace  and engulf you true!


Monday, 11 April 2022

Broken at the Moment


Humanity is speaking 

"I just feel broken at the moment."

You are Not broken!

You are sifting through the process; Significant Awakening

Sign off

Open Your shed; have a good cry



Your reality

Feel the process flowing in every cell in Your body;

Whispering to One and All

 On the Belle Blue Ball

In this and every Blessed moment

You are like a fully loaded spring 

at the moment;

Patiently BE-gin to unwind 

You have had a major stroke of eXperience

You are Not broken!

You are shining as bright as the brightest Ancestral Star

Let the tears E-mancipate Your BEST





Yellow apostolic light


Universal esprit de corps;

Sharing team spirit;

Raising Awareness 

Outdoing the challenges

In this and every moment.

You are Not broken!

You Are healing;

Your Guides Are with You Walking

Lay down not to die

Rest easy; sleep

Lift off; fly

See with Your Real-Eyes; the Real You

Glide with Your Guides true

There Are more than just a few.

Broken in the moment-knot You Are

Give Thanks!

(Inspired: AJY_M_11042022-1113.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

First Prize

Gold & Green In Full Flight

We have landed

Come to De-Light

Commit to Stillness; take a dive into the Healing Harmonious Vibrations

Open our Sphere-Cylinder-Eyes

Make the Link

We Do Not have to Think!

Everyone Receives the First Prize

COME see how we all have Special-Eyes

So full of Awe-Wonder so Unmistakably Wordly-Wise

When we choose to Wear Tranquil-Turquoise

Seek our Talents our Truth

Enjoy our Ultimate Uniqueness

Accept our Remarkable Resurrection

Feel our Quick Quantum Shift

Bless our Undefiled Nature

Thank our Original Spirit

Know our Innate Self

Embrace our Supreme Source

Bask in our Everlasting Energy 

Walk hand-in-hand with our Gorgeous God-to-us Prize...

Connect to I 

The Healing Energy that blesses all-Eyes

We have Landed

Come to De-Light

Gift Thanks!

(Gift! After a stroll in the park) 05042022_1309.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and  love 
to embrace and engulf you true!