Saturday, 29 July 2017

I Am Big

Reflections Of Above And Below (ROAAB)

 I Am Big



Gratitude of  One Love-One Light

Big am I

(On waking up)


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Simplicity Is

Centred-Town And Country

Simplicity is...
Simply-Being Centred... In the City

The beautiful music that moves with the
Yellow Light

Simplicity is Sincerity's 
Simplifying souls

(Inspired by the little ones I teach!)


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Beautiful You

Being Beautiful

Beautiful I Am meant me to BE

E...nergy the force that's driving me

A... ncestors come to me naturally

U... sing the gift of spirituality

T...elling truths about life in reality

I...nitiating the Human family

F... illing in the blanks in memory

U... nlocking the Christ Light in you and me

L...ove Eternally

Beautiful. .. that's how we're meant to be

Living Beautifully

That's the Key

Be You Fully

There's No-one else you need to be

No-thing else you need to do

You are born baby beautiful to Be You

Be You!

To the full

(Inspired by the little ones I teach!)


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Thanks In The Giving (Thanks-Giving)

Love Hidden In Shadows

Give thanks... For the little things

Give thanks... For all that is seen and unseen

Give thanks... For all the tiny creatures in the sea

Give thanks... For all the nocturnal animals we may never see

Give thanks. .. For all familiar family

Give thanks... For all those who cry and plea

Give thanks... For any you any me

Give thanks... For all those who look and see

Give thanks... For that which makes us wise

Give thanks... For all the precious moments in life

Give thanks... For all those who listen attentively

Give thanks... For the fragrances and odours that come every day

Give thanks... For the beauty and bitterness that builds strength

Give thanks... For the love and life that never ends

Give thanks... For the web above and below that creates, supports all that we may or may not know

Give thanks... For all that appears to be, until we're able to taste, touch, smell, hear, feel, see, grow

Give thanks... For the little things that are here and yet to be; they show us the way to go!

 Presto-ing the magic to you and me, easily, for sure

Give Thanks!

Give Thanks... Above and Below for all the little things!

There's always THANKS in the giving


(Inspired by my friend Chrissy!)


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Prisoner Of My Own Making (POMOM)

Guardians - Spirits Of United Love









Without these I am a prisoner of my own making

Choosing to lead everyone and everything

To the path I believe they should be walking

So I let go and allow Life to be the One guiding

Each and everyone to do their own choosing

( Inspired by the little ones I teach! )    


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!