Saturday, 4 February 2017

Woollen Jersey Fabric


I see the threads of Life,

Warp and Weft.

Spun and Reeled,

Into the Knitted, Woollen, Jersey Stretch Fabric

Of Earthy Shades, Tints and Tones.

Like that of the Universe,

Supporting the Transparent,

 Magical Mesmerizing Moon,

When she's in Full Bloom,

Granting us Gifts Galore.

All we have to do is follow her,

Wafting and Weaving as she goes,

Catch the Gifts as she throws.

Receive and Accept them with our Senses.

Give Thanks to the One who Knows,

All Possibilities that exist

With Every Play on show.

(Ref: SU29012017_10133AM)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!